(1) 期刊论文
Zhou, J., Jiang, Y.W., Tam, OK.(corresponding), Lan, W., Ye, S.L. 2021. Success in completing cross-border acquisitions by emerging market firms: What matters?. World Economy, 44:2128-2163.
Zhou, J. (corresponding), Ye, S.L., Lan, W. Jiang, Y.W. 2021. The effect of social media on corporate violations: Evidence from Weibo Posts in China. International Review of Finance, 21:966-988.
Tam, OK., Zhou, J. (corresponding), Yu P. 2019. Board effectiveness in Chinese fund management companies. Pacific Economic Review, 24(3), 479-492.
Zhou, J., Xiao, TH. 2018. Analyzing determinants of household financial decision-making: The household stock investment case of China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 54, 3385-3400.
Zhou, J., Lan, W. (corresponding). 2018. Investor protection and cross-border acquisitions by Chinese listed firms: The moderating role of institutional shareholders, International Review of Economics and Finance, 56, 438-450.
Fang, L.C., Wu, G., Zhou, J., Zhong, C. and Wang, J. 2018. Acquiring global footprints: Internationalization strategy of Chinese multinational enterprises and human resource implications. Journal of Business Research, 93, 184-201.
Zhou, J.(corresponding), Tam, O. K., Lan, W. 2016. Solving agency problems in Chinese family firms – A law and finance perspective. Asian Business and Management, 15(1), 57-82.
Zhou, J. (corresponding), Lan, W., Tang, Y. K. 2016. The value of institutional shareholders: Evidence from cross-border acquisitions by Chinese listed firms. Management Decision, 54(1), 44-65.
Yu, C. P., Tam, O. K., Zhou, J.(corresponding). 2015. Does corporate governance matter in the contractual form of fund management companies in China?, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51, S89-S103.
Zhou, J.(corresponding), Tam, O. K., Lan, W. 2015. Are investor protection and ownership concentration substitutes in Chinese family firms?, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51(2), 432-443.
Zhou, J. (corresponding), Tam, O. K., Yu, C. P. 2013. An investigation of the role of family ownership, control and management in listed Chinese family firms. Asian Business and Management, 12(2), 197-225.
唐英凯, 周静. 2013.法与金融学视角的投资者保护法律制度分析,西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版),12, 103-107.
唐英凯, 周静, 舒绍敏. 2012. 股权分置改革的投资者保护效应:基于“法与金融”理论的实证检验, 四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 6, 141-150.
Zhou, J., Jiang, YW, Lan, W. What strategy drives the success of cross border acquisitions by Chinese listed firms?, 2018, the 30th Asian Finance Association Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Zhou, J., Xiao, TH. Analyzing determinants of household financial decision-making: The case of China. 2018, the 85st International Atlantic Economic Conference, London, UK.
Zhou, J., Lan, W. Investor protection and cross-border acquisitions by Chinese listed firms: The moderating role of institutional shareholders, 2016, the 81st International Atlantic Economic Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Wang, M., Zhou, J.(corresponding), Xu, J. P. “The Impact of Evaluation Purposes on Double-Shouldered Academics’ Performance”, 2015, the 5th Global Chinese Management Studies Conference, Singapore.